special issues
LGBTQ+ Politics in an Age of Crises, guest co-editor with Markus Thiel, International Politics (Special Issue forthcoming 2024)
Indigenous Politics of Resistance: From Erasure to Recognition, Guest Editor for Special Issue, New Diversities 19(2) (Göttingen: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, 2017)
peer-reviewed journal articles
“Sexual Removals: Indigenous Genders and Sexualities as Territory” in Ann McGrath and Lynette Russell The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Global History (2022)
“Environmental defenders as first guardians of the world’s biodiversity,” Policy Matters, Special Issue on Environmental Defenders, vol.3:1-6. (2021)
“La colonización de sexualidades indígenas: entre despojo y resistencia,” Contemporánea 10(1): 13-34. (2020)
“Resistance to Extractivism and Megaprojects in Latin America” in Harry Vanden and Gary Prevost (eds) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics, Oxford University Press. (2020)
“Between Erasure and Resurgence: Decolonizing Indigenous Sexualities” in Michael Bosia, Sandra Mc. Evan, and Momin Rhaman Oxford Handbook of Global LGBT and Sexual Diversity Politics, Oxford University Press. (2019)
“Stateness as Land-Grab: A Political History of Maya Dispossession in Guatemala,” co-authored with Juan Castro, American Quarterly 69(4): 791-800. (2017)
“World Politics in Amazonia” in Julio Faúndez and Celine Tan, International Law, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar. (2017)
“Visões Indígenas Desafiando O Global: Mulheres Kichwa Pluralizando A Soberania,” Monções 6(11): 340-369. (2017)
“De la academia a las rejas: mi historia de detención y criminalización en Ecuador,” Ecuador Debate (101), August: 109-122. (2017)
“El caminar de las manuelas” Crítica Contemporánea: Revista de Teoría Política, Dossier - Ideas que solo se pueden contar: Narrativa (y) Política / Ideas that can only be (re)counted: Narrative (and) Politics, December (6): 124-138. (2016)
“Rethinking IR from the Amazon” Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 59(2). (2016)
“Where Did the Women Go? Gender Inequalities in Ecuador’s Indigenous Movement,” Social Development Issues 36(3): 92-107. (2014)
“Decolonizing Methodologies in the Field of IR Theory” International Political Science Review 34(4): 444-455. (2013)
“Porter le genre dans la culture: femmes et interlégalité en Équateur,” Cahiers du Genre Rétrospectives Spring (54): 205-226. (2013)
“Between the Dock and a Hard Place: Hazards and Opportunities of Legal Pluralism for Indigenous Women in Ecuador,” Latin American Politics and Society 54(2):1-33. (2012)
book chapters
“Gender and Sexuality” with Momin Rahman in Vicki Robinson and Diane Richardson (eds) Introducing Gender and Women's Studies, MacMillan 5th edition (2020).
“Despojo como genocidio: extractivismo contra pueblos indígenas en Abya Yala” in Alberto Lozano and Abelardo Rodriguez, Seguridad y Asuntos Internacionales, Mexico: Siglo XXI. (2020)
“No Sex Revolution on the Left: LGB Rights in Ecuador” with María Amelia Viteri in Paula Gerber, Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals: Culture, History and Law. Santa Barbara: Praeger Press. (2021)
“Sex, Tongue and International Relations” with Caroline Cottet in Sexuality and Translation in World Politics, co-editor with Caroline Cottet (E-International Relations). (2019)
“Indigenous Sexualities: Resisting Conquest and Translation” with Josi Tikuna in Sexuality and Translation in World Politics, co-editor with Caroline Cottet (E-International Relations). (2019)
“Ecuador: The Citizen’s Revolution Against Its Citizens,” With Grace Jaramillo in Franscesc Badia I Dalmases and Sergio Costa (eds) Condemned to Inequality: From the Pink Tide to the Turn to the Right (p.56-63). (2019)
“Kichwa Women Gendering Collective Rights in Ecuador” in Márcia Calazans, Mary Castro, and Emilia Piñeiro, America Latina: corpos, trânsitos, e resistências. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi. (2018)
“Indigenous Politics of Resistance: An Introduction,” New Diversities 19(2): 1-6. (2017)
“Activismo y academia: Complementariedad en la resistencia” with Rasu Manuel Paza and Yaku Pérez Guartambel in Catherine Walsh, Pedagogías decoloniales: Prácticas insurgentes de resistir, (re)existir) y (re)vivir. Quito: Abya Yala. (2016)
“Simultaneous Translations--Finding My Core in the Periphery” in Elizabeth Dauphinee and Naeem Inayatullah, Narrative Global Politics. London: Routledge. (2016)
“Inventing Rights of Our Own: Indigenous Rights with Gender Parity in Ecuador,” in David Lehman, The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Latin America. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. (2016)
“Queering Amazonia: Homo-Affective Relations among Tikuna Society” with Josi Tikuna in María Amelia Viteri and Manuela Picq, Queering Narratives of Modernity Peter Lang/FLACSO: 113-134. (2016)
“Droit à l’autodétermination contre extractivisme: Comment la résistance autochtone modifie les relations internationales,” in Yves-Marie Abraham and David Murray, Creuser jusqu’où? Extractivisme et limites à la croissance. Montreal: Eco-société: 271-283. (2015)
“Extrativismo: a pedra no caminho do desenvolvimento,” in Pedro de Souza, Brasil, Sociedade em Movimento. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra/Celso Furtado: 213-222. (2015)
“Peripheral Prides: Contributions of LGBTQ Studies to Post-Colonial Thought” in Manuela Picq & Markus Thiel, Sexualities in World Politics: How LGBTQ Claims Shape International Relations. New York: Routledge Intervention Series: 108-123. (2015)
“Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges IR” in Marc Woons (ed.), Restoring Indigenous Self Determination, E-IR: 26-33. (2014)
“Direitos Humanos e Questão Social,” in Anete Ivo (ed.), Dicionário Desenvolvimento e Questão Social, São Paulo: Annablume: 190-195. (2014)
“Indigenous Worlding: Kichwa Women Pluralizing Sovereignty,” in Arlene Tickner and David Blaney (eds.), Claiming the International, New York: Routledge: 121-140. (2013)
“Trapped Between Gender and Ethnicity: Identity Politics in Ecuador,” in Roger Coate and Markus Thiel (eds.), Identity Politics in the Age of Globalization. Boulder: First Forum Press: 31- 56. (2010)
“Exclusión política de mujeres indígenas en Chimborazo,” in Andrea Pequeño (ed.), Participación y políticas de mujeres indígenas en América Latina. Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO/Ministerio de Cultura: 125-143. (2009)
“Gender Within Ethnicity: Human Rights and Identity Politics in Ecuador,” Guillermo O’Donnell, Joseph Tulchin, and Augusto Varas (eds.), New Voices in the Study of Democracy in Latin America, Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: 273-307. (2008)
book reviews
David Syring’s “With the Saraguros: The Blended Life in a Transnational World” Ethnohistory 66(2):407-408. (2019)
Raúl Madrid’s “The Rise of Ethnic Parties in Latin America” Bulletin of Latin American Research 34(1): 126-127. (2015)
public scholarship (selected)
“Decriminalization with exclusion: Ecuador’s new rape abortion law,” Sexuality Policy Watch (February 2022).
“Covid-19 e outras pandemias: extrativisimo e genocídio na Abya Yala” Revista Rosa (May 2020).
“Ecuador’s Not-So-Pink Tide: A Citizen’s Revolution Against Its Citizens,” co-author with Grace Jaramillo, Open Democracy / Democracia Abierta (September 2018).
“Democratizar el matrimonio en Ecuador: la justicia constitucional frente a los derechos de la población LGBTI,” co-author with Catalina Mendoza Eskola, Sexuality Policy Watch (July 2018).
“Ecuador’s Expanding Extractive Frontier,” co-author Diana Coryat, NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 48(3): 280-283 (2016).
“Unsafe Abortion: Another Facet of Femicide in Latin America,” Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights, CLAM (October 29, 2014).
“Cuando las protestas urbanas se unen a las luchas Indígenas,” Revista Coyuntura, University of Cuenca, Vol. 15: 34-43 (2013).
“Conversation with Carlos Pérez Guartambel: Indigenous Resistance in the Andes,” NACLA (November 18, 2013).
“Ecuador’s Left Punishes Women Rights,” Sexuality Policy Watch (October 17, 2013).
“Gay Pride in the Amazon,” Americas Quarterly, Web Exclusive (January 11, 2012).